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Books and Movies about space

Sarah Angliss with Colin Uttley - Future Files: Cities in The Sky. A Beginner's Guide to Living in Space, 1998
Isaac Asimov - Mars: Our Mysterious Neighbor, 1988
James Buckley Jr. - Space Heroes: Amazing Astronauts, 2004
Michael Cole - Hubble Space Telescope: Exploring The Universe, 1999
John Farndon - The Encyclopedia of Awesome Space, 2001; The Sun and Other Stars, 2001
Nigel Hawkes - The Space Shuttle: The Inside Story, 1982
Stephen Hawking - A Brief History of Time: From The Big Bang to Black Holes, 1988
Robert T. Hohler - 'I Touch The Future...' The Story of Christa McAuliffe, 1986
Patrick Moore - The Moon, 1996
Steve Potts - Mars, 2001
Sally Ride with Susan Okie - To Space and Back, 1986
Antonin Ruke - Atlas of The Moon, 1996
Elaine Scott - Adventure in Space: The Flight to Fix The Hubble, 1995; Close Encounters: Exploring The Universe with The Hubble Space Telescope, 1998
Robert Taylor - The Way People Live Series: Life Aboard The Space Shuttle, 2002

Isaac Asimov - I. Robot, 1950; The Stars Like Dust, 1951; The Double Planet, 1960; Nightfall, 1990
Arthur C. Clark - Childhood's End, 1953; 2001, A Space Odyssey, 1968; Cradle, 1988
Ray Bradberry - Martian Chronicles, 1950
Robert Heinlein - Stranger in a Strange Land, 1962; The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, 1967
Frank Herbert - Dune, 1965; plus sequels
Jules Vern - From The Earth to The Moon, 1865; Round The Moon, 1870
George Wells - War of The Worlds, 1898
Plus many, many more at your local library!

MOVIES - a small list
Apollo 13
Close Encounters of The Third Kind
Deep Impact
Planet of The Apes
The Right Stuff
Space Buddies
Star Trek, The Movie
Star Wars plus series
Total Recall
2001, A Space Odyssey